Enjoy our very own exclusive game in Vision – Conrad’s Happy City

1. What is VISION?

Vision is a product of Pacific Kabelnet (PKN) offered by Converge as a value added service that offers all in one entertainment experience. Through this service, you get to enjoy your favorite channels, access google apps and games, connect your devices and a lot more! The VISION service utilizes the Xperience Box for the best entertainment experience!

2. What is an Xperience Box?

The Xperience Box is needed for you to enjoy live TV from your VISION subscription plan.  It is a Google-certified Android TV box which enables you to access your favorite OTT apps, play games, and be in command with its integrated Google assistant. It also supports 4K streaming, Wi-Fi, and digital audio interface. You can also download other popular apps with the likes of Disney+, Viu, Spotify, Curiosity, Amazon Prime and HBO GO. Netflix is not available as of the moment.

 The TV channels can only be accessed with your Converge residential broadband connection.  Login using your account number to access the channels. It is highly recommended that for WIFI connections, position your box to get the optimal signal quality or augment with WIFI Mesh devices, such as Converge SEAMLESS, to get the best HD quality video.  

See care instructions and quick set-up guide.

3. Does the VISION Xperience Box get software updates?

The VISION Xperience Box will get occasional software updates. This is when security patches, new short-cuts and Apps unique to VISION will be made available. A message prompt will appear on screen when updates are available. Box should remain connected to the power source and internet during updates to avoid risk of damage to the device.

4. What are the VISION subscription Plans?

See the complete channel line up here.

5. Can I avail this service if I am not a Converge internet subscriber?

VISION is a value-added service and requires a Converge pure fiber internet plan for the subscription. It will not work with other internet service providers. This add-on service is currently available only for NCR customers.

6. How does streaming the channels/programs affect my fiber internet usage?

For a single screen usage, a channel in Standard definition (SD) utilizes 3Mbps, High definition (HD) consumes 5Mbps and 25Mbps for 4K/Ultra HD (UHD).

7. How much do I need to pay to avail this service?

You must pay for the Xperience box to avail this add-on service. You have the option for an outright payment of P2,800 or installment of P150 per month for 24 months.

8. What is the lock-in period if I subscribe to this add-on service?

New Converge subscribers who will also avail Vision will have the same 24 months lock-in period as their internet service. Existing subscribers who will add Vision service and avail the staggered payment for the box will have a relock-in of 24 months. No relock-in for those who will pay outright for the box.


Get up to 12 Months FREE subscription when you pay the outright fee of P2,800 for the Xperience Box.


Apply for Vision 299 and get a chance to WIN two (2) tickets to watch the Converge FiberXers in the PBA games.

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